Also in the hotel
Online check-in
Pre check-in before arrival or check-in upon arrival by scanning a QR code. Includes mobile check-in for the receptionist. Allows sharing private links.
Remote reception
Contact center
We specialize exclusively in the hotel sector. No mandatory plans—pay only for what you need. No variable fees and no need to change your software.
Scan QR to get the key
Key dispensers
For proximity cards, conventional keys, or magnetic stripe keys. Models available for both indoor and outdoor use. Dispenses the key upon scanning a QR code.
Signature on a tablet
Registration card management
A dedicated document management system for traveler registration forms. Integrated with the PMS. Compatible with any tablet.
Self check-in
Check-in kiosks
Extensive range of self check-in kiosks. For both indoor and outdoor use. Designed to support reception or for unattended receptions.
Roommatik ECO
Energy control
In-room energy control through presence detection, without using the access card.
Self service
Towel dispenser
Pool towel dispensing machine. Fully integrated with the hotel's PMS.
Integrated with the PMS
Locker control
Locker control system fully integrated into hotel operations. Touchscreen, QR code scanner, and RFID reader for wristbands or cards.
Digitalization of hotel processes
Solutions for a traditional reception
Solutions for an unattended reception
Digitalization in other departments
Other markets
Digitalization of processes